
Grade Retrieval Site

After a multitude of emails from students asking for their grades, I thought the best use of my time would be to make a Grade Retrieval website.

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Status:   Completed

Custom Movie Database with Web/App Interface

What happens when you collect too many movies? Create an application to keep track of them all!

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Status:   In Progress

Adaptive Brake Light Retrofit

Instead of having a binary third brake light, why not make it more descriptive about your negative acceleration?

[ --           10%              ]

Status:   Planning

Migrating Email Hosts With Imapsync

An investigation of moving from a web host running Squirrelmail to using Google Apps Gmail while preserving all users' emails with imapsync.

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Status:   Completed

Banana Phone

This project had me tearing apart a bluetooth headset and ripping the stuffing out of a stuffed banana to create a ridiculous looking and oversized (but lovable) wireless handset.

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Status:   Completed

HTML / Javascript Automatic Grader

Continuing from the Microsoft Office Cheat Checker program, this adds automatic grading to the base application for two of the class' assignments: HTML and Javascript.

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Status:   Stopped
Reason:   Very difficult to treat all edge cases (students grades) fairly

Microsoft Office Cheat Checker

Acting as a Teaching Assistant and wanting to catch cheaters, this VBA application compares the meta data from an archive of previous class' files with the current class' files, and outputs a list of files that are suspected to have already been submitted.

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Status:   Completed

Real-time GPS Tracking with SMS and Google Maps

My Cal Poly Senior Project was remote device tracking using SMS and Google Maps. It involved interfacing a GPS receiver and cell phone to a development board with an LCD, an embedded web server running Microchip’s TCP/IP Stack serving a dynamic Google Maps page, and communication between the development board and server through SMS text messages

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Status:   Completed

Window Blind Rod “Neon” Lights

Want to make a neon sign but you don't know how to blow glass, or don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on it? Use LEDs and acrylic window blind rods!

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Status:   Completed

MIDI Beer Bottle Opener

When I got my hands on a USC talking bottle opener, I thought "Huh.. this could be more inspirational." One PIC and a few hours later, this bottle opener now plays a MIDI version of Chariots of Fire!

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Status:   Completed

Car Navigation Lockout Bypass

When the headunit in my car tells me "you must be stopped before being able to perform certain operations", I say "how can we trick the headunit into thinking we are stopped?"

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Status:   Completed


Recreating Pong using a Motorola M68HC12 as the CPU, RAM, ROM, a PAL, and a few other chips that were all wire-wrapped together.

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Status:   Completed


What's the next step after making a handset for a cell phone? Turning a shoe into a full-fledged phone - just like in Get Smart. Well, sort of.

[ --------     35%              ]

Status:   Stopped
Reason:   Cell phones get crushed easily..

Cell phone handset

Since cell phones continuously get smaller and smaller, wouldn't it be hilarious to see someone walking down the street talking into a home phone handset? Yes; the answer is yes.

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Status:   Completed